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Karl Koenig – …in this place December 2011/February 2012

Karl passed away on the 19th of January 2012 He will be missed not only as an outstanding creative photographic artist but also as a dear friend. Don’t miss a chance to view Karl’s exhibition and enjoy this remarkable man’s work.

7 December 2011 to 19 February 2012

ABOUT KARL KOENIG: Albuquerque ,New Mexico USA is Karl’s home town where his beautiful studio set up for not only his work but to teach students who come from various parts of the world to learn about Gumoil. Karl has published and exhibited work extensively throughout the world. He published his first book on the gumoil in 1994 (Focal Press, Boston) Karl works mainly with two processes: polychromatic gumoil, which he discovered in 1990, and non-toxic photogravure which uses Solar Plates. More about Karl

Karl discovered gumoil in 1990 It related to several photographic print making methods of the 19th Century such as gum bichromate and the more recent bromoil. It is a versatile, labor intensive, polychromatic print making process which can yield painterly or photographic results. It allows mono tone or multicolor printing from black & white contact positives. Although unpredictable there is a degree of artist control in this beautiful print making process.