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The Print Exposed 2020 Exhibition June /November 2020


Runs 5th July to 31st Jan 2021

The Gallery walk through link:

The Print Exposed is a truly unique exhibition aimed at encouraging the understanding, and appreciation for handmade alternative/ historic photographic print processes evolved from the birth of photography.

Photographers selected for the exhibition are automatically considered for The Mike Ware Award

The photographs bring a mix of beauty and intrigue created by passionate photographers and photographic artists.

Stuart Clook (NZ), Wendy Currie (Vic), Danielle Edwards (Vic), Hengli Ge (China), Keiko Goto (Japan), Dianne Longley (Vic), Kong Nai (China), Sally North (QLD), Elizabeth Parsons (Vic), Robert Pool (UK), Gale Spring (Vic), Yvonne Todd (QLD), Li Zhe (China)

Invited Artists: Mike Ware (UK), Elizabeth Opalenik (USA), Sam Wang (USA), Karl Koenig (USA), Tim Rudman (UK) Ellie Young (Vic) and Jianming Zhong (China) Bob Kersey (NSW) Maija McDougal (UK)

Processes include: Bromoil Transfer, Carbon Transfer, Chrysotype, Cyanotype, Daguerreotype, Gum bichromate, Gumoil, Mordancage, Opalotype,  Orotone, Platinum/palladium, Palladium, Palladium/cyanotype, Salted Paper print,  Silver gelatin, and Vandyke Brown.

The Print Exposed 2020 is split into 2 groups  – those who are invited those who have submitted works for approval. It is the submitted works that qualify for Mike Ware Award.  The Mike Ware Award is made on the the combination of visual artistic merit, the craftsmanship of the work and the control of the scientific processes that create these images.

In 2019 the Mike Ware Award was presented to Danielle Edwards  for the The Sentinel ( Eucalyptus camaldulensis), a printed out, Platinum Palladium photograph, captured in infrared creating an incredible luminosity.

The 2020 Mike Ware Award goes to Elizabeth Parsons (Melbourne GPO), Hengli Ge (Metal and Metal) and Robert Poole

There were 3 awards as the judges found it so difficult to choose due to the high quality of the work – and felt each one deserved an award