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Keiko Goto – Small Talk – Oct 2025 to Feb 2026

Runs 15th October 2025 to 1st February 2026

We stayed on Sakhalin Island (far east Russia and 40km north from Hokkaido Japan) from 2006-2010.

Local people were not used to seeing foreigners till then.  Politics was pretty much based on old communism.    It was very interesting for me to see the lives of local Russian people and capture them in B&W with my Leica IIIb (1938). 

Even though I couldn’t speak Russian but still got by using body languages.   Now using Zoukin Gake method, it allowed me to even get deeper into their lives captured over 18 years ago. 

Who would have expected Zoukin Gake method, which was invented over 100 years ago, would help me discover the hidden stories in the images I took close to 18 years ago!  My curiosity was unstoppable. 

These photographs will let you travel back to 2006 to reveal the local people’s everyday “small talks” embedded in each negative.