Platino-Palladiotype Kit


SKU: platino-palladiotype-kit Category:


The Kit includes Platinum 10ml, Palladium 25ml, and iron solution 25 ml, the clearing agents and developers, instructions, syringes and a shot glass.

Platinum or palladium in this kit may be used individually, or mixed in any proportion, allowing a choice of the image hue anywhere between neutral grey-black and rich sepia. A controlled degree of humidity is imparted to the sensitized paper, which promotes the formation of a ‘print-out’ platinum/palladium image during the exposure, requiring little or no development. A clearing sequence ensures that all the residual iron is removed from the paper. For further details see:

Platinotype was invented by William Willis of Bromley in 1873 and by 1892 it had become the pre-eminent printing process for artistic photography. In 1916, World War I imposed a ban on its use, so Willis offered Palladiotype as an alternative, but platinum made a come-back in 1920, until Willis’s Platinotype Company was finally dissolved in 1937. For the next 40 years both processes fell into disuse, until revived in the alternative photography renaissance of the 1970-80s. Some details of this history may be found here:

Image: Bolders PLATINO-PALLADIOTYPE by Mike Ware


Additional information

Weight 1000 g