Bob Kersey –
Contact photographs in platinum palladium of our dry interior.
runs from 2nd May to 29th July 2018 – Official opening 6th April 2pm to 4.30 pm Opening Speech by Mary Meyer (Meyer Gallery) at 2.30pm
As I write, it is the last day of July 2017. It is raining. It is the only day during July 2017 that it has. It must know something…
The interior of Australia is mostly desert. Yet it supports a great diversity of life, due to vast ribbons of water forming channels that provide a completely natural and amazingly efficient irrigation system, often referred to as the eighth wonder of the world. Below the desert crust, dotted with ironstone mesas, is the Great Artesian Basin. A string of aquifers (pressure points) create the largest artesian basin in the world.
‘Waiting for Rain’ is a celebration of the resilience of the environment and is ultimately a prayer, or perhaps a plea, to ‘leave it alone’. It knows something that we don’t.
The photographs are not intended as documents. They are impressions of another realm, to provide spiritual access to a unique part of our planet.