Exhibition runs to 26th June 2022
Offical opening 1st May 2022 – 2pm to 5 pm
A welcome speech by Ellie Young at 2.30.
NB: Gallery is limited to 6 and the studios limited to 15 fully vaccinated attendees only.
Due to high demand and interest an Infrared workshop will be held. More Info
All other viewing is By Appointment : Ellie@goldstreetstudios.com.au or 0414950352
View the online Exhibitions of all works on the following link
Danielle Edwards is an Australian photographer known for her images of plants, flowers and decaying items. Her formal photographic education was in both art and science. She was a practicing clinical photographer for 29 years and has always had a passion for Art and Science. Throughout the years Danielle’s photographic passions have oscillated between the two disciplines.
She applies photographic techniques often used in medical and scientific imaging to create her aesthetic, utilising a variety of historical and other photographic processes to visualise her imaging concepts. These creative and scientific techniques converge in this exhibition to deliver Danielle’s own personal expression.

She is a regular contributor to National and International conferences. Her expertise is varied with a background in both science and art, and has been published in both technical and creative publications.

The Louis Schmidt Committee announced that Danielle Edwards, BA, BAppSc (Hons), FBCA, RBI, FAIMBI, FIPT has been selected as the 2020 Louis Schmidt Laureate. The award, named for a founder and 2nd President of the Association, is the highest honor presented by the BCA and is bestowed “for outstanding contributions to the progress of biocommunications.” Danielle’s extensive personal and professional accomplishments both behind the lens and in support of a plethora of professional organizations, illustrates her commitment to the unique quality and diversity of her work as well as the active mentoring and sharing of a career’s worth of highly specialized information. Her ongoing collaboration with other experts in the field and her ethical center, round out the qualities that make her such an ideal recipient for this honour. More information click here.