Fragments exhibition Now at the at the Pig and Whistle Hotel from 17th April 2014 to 30th Nov 2014
705 James Lane Trentham East 03 5424 1213
The Gathering idea was developed from light-hearted conversations between Ellie Young (gold street studios) and Gordon Undy (point light) during 2004 and 2005. On the 2nd June 2007, for the first time in Australia, twenty-seven photographers dedicated to the use of large format view cameras met at Trentham East for a weekend to share views and information on large format photography.

From this inaugural weekend The View Camera Gathering was formed and has become an annual event. Camera sizes used by the various members include 4×5, 5×7, 8×10, 11×14, 12 x 20 and 16 x 20 inch film formats.
During the weekend there are open discussions, demonstrations, and showing of personal photographic work. They continue to meet to share information, views, enjoying each others company, having fun while emerged in practicing this craft.

Photographic film is processed and printed in gold street studios traditional wet darkroom by Chris Reid, director and master fine printer of Blanco Negro (Sydney). Chris donated time to process film. The photographs for the exhibition are printed by the photographers or by Chris Reid.
This exhibition is held each year featuring the photographs taken of Trentham, Trentham East and surrounding areas over The View Camera Gathering weekend.
Sponsors: John Fitzgerald Real Estate, Blanco Negro, Ilford and Photoresource