The Print Exposed Exhibition runs 20th March to 26th May 2019
The Print Exposed is a truly unique exhibition aimed at encouraging the understanding, and appreciation for handmade alternative/ historic photographic print processes evolved from the birth of photography.
Photographers entering for The Mike Ware Award showcase a range of print processes. The photographs bring a mix of beauty and intrigue created by passionate photographers and photographic artists.
International Arts: Mike Ware (UK), Elizabeth Opalenik (USA), Christine Z Anderson (USA), Sandy King (USA), Sam Wang (USA), Karl Koenig (USA), Tim Rudman (UK) and Jianming Zhong (China)
Australian and New Zealand Artists :
Stuart Clook,Danielle Edwards, Philip England, Keiko Goto, Janis House, Keira Hudson, Matt Hughes, Peter McDonald, Kim Sinclair, David Tatnall, Yvonne Todd, Paul Weiss and Lynette Zeeng.
Processes include: Ambrotype, Carbon, casein, Chrysotype, Cyanotype, Gum bichromate, Gumoil, Hand colouring, Lith prints, Lumen, Mordancage, Orotone, Pinhole, Platinum/palladium, Palladium, Silver gelatin, Tintype.
Combination printing including: Gum over cyanotype, Cyanotype over palladium, Platinum on vellum over silver leaf, Palladium on vellum over gold leaf.
The Print Exposed 2019 is split into 2 groups – the internationals who are invited and the Australia and NewZealanders who submitted works. It is the submitted works that qualify for Mike Ware Award. The standard of submissions this year were extremely high. This was a great example of the quality of work being practiced in Australia and New Zealand. The Mike Ware Award is made on the the combination of visual artistic merit, the craftsmanship of the work and the control of the scientific processes that create these images. After much deliberation, the Mike Ware Award was presented to Danielle Edwards for the The Sentinel ( Eucalyptus camaldulensis), a printed out, Platinum Palladium photograph. The original image was captured in infrared creating an incredible luminosity.
Congratulations to Danielle Edwards and all who were a part of this amazing exhibition.
The official opening was by Professor Gale Spring on Sunday 24th March 2019 at 2.30 pm The opening function ran from 2.00pm to 4.30 pm
Exhibition runs 20th March to 26th May 2019